The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo™ board of directors is primarily responsible for the performance and operations of the Rodeo. The board also elects members of the Executive Committee and officers.
The board of directors is nominated each year by the Nominating Committee and must be between 350 and 190 individuals. In addition, the chairman of the board, chairman-elect of the board, past chairmen of the board, vice presidents and lifetime vice presidents are all part of the board of directors and entitled to vote, so long as such member is in good standing with the corporation and in compliance with Show policies.
The members of the board of directors must be volunteers and not employees of the corporation. All directors must abide by the rules, regulations and policies of the Show.
Lifetime Vice Presidents are denoted with *
Travis Adair
Courtney Adame
Joseph “Jody” Adamek
Robert “Bill” Aldridge
Jake W. Allee
Gary Dean Allen
Russell Allen
Linda Alonzo-Saenz
Scott Anderson
Stacy Stidham Anderson
Marie D. Arcos
Jeffrey D. Aronoff
Skip Avara
Samuel R. “Sam” Ayers
Danette Bagley Thierry
Stephanie Baird
Thomas J. Baker III*
Connard Barker
Frank T. Barnett
Charles “Mitchell” Barrier
Steven Barrier
Louis Bart*
Jason Beal
C.A. “Bubba” Beasley*
Robert L. Becker
Stuart Beken
Mickey Bell
Justin Bennett
May Bentley
Roger Bethune*
James Bialas
Larry Biediger Jr.
Jim Billings
Annette Bisby
Lisa Blackwood
Mike Blasingame*
Robert “Bubba” Blasingame
Jim Bloodworth*
Bryan J. Blonder, D.O.
Fred Boas
Danny Boatman*
Shane Boatman
Terry Bodkin-Agris
Randi Boleman
Bill Booher*
David Boothe*
Doug Bosch
Dwight Boykins
Brooks Bradford
Barclay Branch
John R. Braniff*
John R. Braniff Jr.
Scott F. Brast
Mike Brem
Curtis Brenner*
Michelle Bridges
Brandon Bridwell*
Beth Briscoe
Jim Brock*
Pam Brooks
Ginger Brown
Terry Mack Brown
Jane Burnap
Tim Burns
Tony Burt Jr.
George Buschardt Jr.
J. L. “Bubba” Butera*
Kevin E. Cagle
Roger Camp*
Walter Campbell
John Cangelosi, MD
Rudy Cano*
Andrew Cantu*
Naph Carlson
Larry L. Carroll*
Brady F. Carruth*
January Carter
Victor Castaneda
Dustin Causey
Johnny Causey
Martha Ceballos
Mary Chamberlain
Patrick Chastang
Stephanie Childress
Charlie M. Christ
Justin Clark
Frank “Chipper” Clawson
Chad J. Clay
Robert Clay*
Jill Clement
Mike Clepper
Curtis W. Clerkley Jr.*
Matthew T. Cone
Sean Congdon
Howard T. Cordell*
Jerry Crews*
Jay Crocker
Sandra L. Crook
Chris Cunningham
Michael C. Curley*
Dan D’Armond
Clayton Dallas
J.W. Daubert III*
Tom C. Davis*
Randy “Col” Davis
Carl “Bo” Dawson
Edwin DeCora*
Yonny Demeris
George A. DeMontrond*
Melissa DeMontrond
C.R. “Bob” Devine*
Michael Diezi
Tom E. Dompier*
Rodney E. Doutel
Andrew Dow*
Doug L. Doyle*
Kevin D. Duke
Kelly Dunnavant
Landon Ehlinger
Steve B. Ehrig
Jamie Ehrman*
Christopher B. Ennis
Jim Epps III*
Warner D. Ervin*
Stephen Estes
Ronnie Eubanks*
Patrick Evans
Carolyn Faulk*
Tilman J. Fertitta*
Scott Fish
Charles Fisher
Thomas G. Fleissner
Rigo Flores Jr.
Charlene Floyd*
Alan Folger
Terence Fontaine, Ed.D.*
Michael S. Francisco
Lloyd R. French IV
Matt Fuqua
Debi Gan
Steve Ganey
Juan Garcia
Rich Garcia
Spike Garcia
Robert “Dallas” Garrison
Diane Gautreaux
Ted Gaylord
George B. Georgiades
John Giannukos*
Gretchen Gilliam
Ray Gilliam
John Glithero*
Gary Glover
Rey Gonzales*
Gina Goosby-Harris
Steven H. “Steve” Gordon
Randy Goshorn
Rick Greene*
John A. Grimes
E.R. “Butch” Guerrero*
Jimmy Guinn
Ronnie Gulihur*
Freda J. Guzman
Dallas Hall
Preston Hall
Joe Bruce Hancock*
William D. “Bill” Hanna*
John S. Hantak
Jeff Harris*
Josh Harrison
Tom Harrison
Darrell N. Hartman*
Mike Hartwig
Jason T. Hawthorne
Jeffrey S. “Jeff” Hayes*
Lance Heacock
Ruthie Hebert
Joe Henderson
Linda Renee Henson
Kathleen “Kaki” Herd
Angela Hernandez
Jerry H. Hickman*
Toby Hicks
Brad Hildebrand
Jeff Hildebrand
Ray Hinsley*
Wayne Hinton
Jennifer Hirsch
Robert Hodge
Jackie Hodges
Jennifer Harmel Hoff
Matthew Hogue
John E. Hollis
Wayne Hollis*
Lindsay S. Holmes
Stan Horton
Dick Hudgins*
Eric Huegele
J.P. “Hap” Hunnicutt*
John A. Hutchison*
Robert “Bob” Hux*
Tommy Jacobs
Jim Janke*
Kirby Janke
Kyle Janke
Michelle Iversen Jeffery
Jessie Jewell
Alicia Jimerson*
Carson Joachim
Christopher Johnson
David Johnson
Parker Johnson*
Jeff M. Jones*
Rick Jones
Russell Jones
Don D. Jordan*
Bill Jordan
J. Kelly Joy
J. Grover Kelley*
Mark Kelly
Tyson Kennedy
G.W. “Jerry” Kent
J. Alan Kent*
Larry Kerbow Sr.*
Michael Khushf
Justin Kirby
Jason Knecht
Robert Kneppler*
Tucker Knight
Tricia Koch
Kenneth Kolakowski
David Koonce
Josh Lack
Tom Laird
Danny Lang Jr.
Kelly J. Larkin, M.D.*
Kevin Leck
Philip L. Leggett, M.D.
Sean Lehane
Paul Lehnhoff*
E.D. Lester*
Keith Letsos
Wendy Lewis-Armstrong
Jeff Lewis, D.D.S.*
Thomas Lewis
Glenn T. Lilie*
Michelle Lilie
Tom Lippincott*
Pamela M. Logsdon
Lucky Long*
Chad Lyons
F. Allen Lyons
Jack A. Lyons*
Robert “Ted” Lyons
Russell Machann
Stephen Mahalitc
Kristie L. Manning
Michelle Maresh
Brad Marks
Roy Marsh
Dawne Martin
Mike Martin
Philip Martin
Michael Martinez
Gigi Mayorga-Wark
John McAleer III
Christina McAllen
James McCann
Kenneth McClintock
Ken McGuyer*
Caroline McIntosh
Mike McKinney*
Andy McLeod
Ed McMahon*
Christopher McMillan
Gary McMullen
Laura McNear
Micheal McWilliams
Pete A. Medina
Mark Melton*
Shirley Meyer
Donald Middleton
Amy Pinkham Miller
Bradley Miller
Greg Miller*
Harry E. Miller
Michael Mitchell
John J. Montalbano*
Yance S. Montalbano*
Aimee Coates Monteverde
James R. Mora
Curtis Morgan
John R. Morton*
Mike Moss*
Nancy Motley
Ken C. Moursund Sr.*
Kenneth C. Moursund Jr.
David E. Mouton, M.D.*
Shelly Dompier Mulanax
James Mushinski*
Demetrius “Deme” Navarro
Orlando “Bob” Nelson
William B. “Bill” Nelson
Gary R. Nesloney*
Lisa C. Nguyen
Scott Nichols
Katherine Norris
Lynn Nunez*
Kevin O’Kelley
Mike O’Kelley*
Kelly O’Shieles
R.L. “Bud” O’Shieles*
Craig O’Sullivan
Sammy Osbourn
Clint Orms
W. Allen Owen*
Ann Page
Marcus Palermo
William “Billy” Parker
Gary E. Parks*
Randy Pauly
Pat Pennington
Pat Perry
Gerald K. Peyton
Pat Mann Phillips*
Garry Pigg
Robert Pike Jr.
Mike Pillow
Tim Ping*
Bob Porter
Rodney Porter
Keith Powell
Terry R. Pruitt
Ken Pujats
Milton B. Purvis
Cam Raison
W.L. “Red” Ramsey
Steve Ranson
Jen Marie Rau
Dudley Ray
Kevin K. Rech
Shari Reed
Todd Regalado
Kyle Reppond
Donna Rhoades
Tony Rich*
Chris Richardson*
Gordon Richardson
Todd Riddle
Cyndy Roberts
Carey “Andy” Robertson
C.A. “Andy” Robinson
C.R. “Butch” Robinson*
Monica Robinson
Steve Roe*
Darrell Rogers
Lee Rountree
Mac Ruffeno
Ronald “Ronnie” Ruffeno
Pete A. Ruman*
Gina Rumore
Randy D. Russell
Mike G. Rutherford Jr.
Dwayne Sablatura
Julie Sacco
Michael Sachs
John A. Sandling*
Elise Sartwelle
James D. “Jim” Sartwelle III
Brett Sarver
Ralph L. Savage
Vanessa R. Schillaci
Joe L. Schindler
Greg A. Schroder*
Darryl Schroeder*
Lisa Schutzenhofer
Julie Shannon
Linda Shartzer
Ken Shaw*
Shane Shepperd
Jeanne Shirey-Lord
Paul Shollar
Sharon Simmons
Taryn Sims
Wesley Sinor*
Alicia Smith
David Smith
David “Lee” Smith
John O. Smith*
Marshall R. Smith*
Naomi Smith
Pat Smith
Robbie Smith*
Ryan O. Smith
Shawn Smith
Paul G. Somerville*
Jamie Spring
Lauren Spinks
Pam Springer*
Lodie Stapleton*
Robert Steele
Keith A. Steffek*
Dennis Steger*
R.H. “Steve” Stevens*
Christy Stern
Jay Stewart
David Stone Jr.
Emmett Story Jr.*
Emmett Story III
David Stratton
Vanessa Kent Stroberg
Brenda Baker Stubbs
Claire Eaton Stuewer
D. Scott Sullivan
Adam Suhr
Roger Sumicek
Justin Tankersley
Kenneth Tann
Jim Bob Taylor*
Laura Taylor
Laurie Tarver
Susan Terry
Jody Teykl
Andy Thomas
Archie R. Thompson*
Scott Townsend
Randy Trahan
Tracy Ray Troup
Rich Tyler
Chris Underbrink*
Duncan Underwood*
John Vachala
Wendy Vandeventer*
Jim VanHoozer*
Joe Van Matre*
James “Jimmy” Verbois
Michelle Verbois
Pat Walker*
Robert Walker
Scott Walker
Tommy Walker
Sharleen Walkoviak*
Wesley Ward
Ryan Wasaff
Jill Watson
Lee Ann Watson
Donna Webster
Richard Weiman
Lance P. Welch
Tommy Wells
Mike Wells Jr.*
Taylor Whitaker*
Constance White
Robby White
Jamie Whitfill
Samm Wiggins
Greg Willbanks*
Jason Price Williams
Rodney “Rod” Williams
Kirk E. “Ernie” Williamson
Kenneth Willis
James M. “Jim” Windham*
Griffin D. Winn*
Jim Winne*
Brian J. Wischnewsky
Ken Wise
Randy “Blake” Wise
Betty Wiseman
Dennis Wolford
Michael Wollam
Ryan Wollam
Kathleen Wright
Mel Wright
David Yates*
William A. “Bill” Yates*
Neil O. Yelderman
Robin Young-Ellis
Tonya Yurgenson-Jacks*
Todd Zucker