Lifetime Directors are members who have served the organization with distinction for many years. They are nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by the Board of Directors. Lifetime Directors have the privileges of members of the Board of Directors, but will not have a vote in the meeting of the Board of Directors.

Lifetime Vice Presidents are denoted with *


Eduardo Aguirre Jr.
Mary Jane Albert
Jimmie Allen


David Baker
Linda Sue Barnes
John S. Beeson
James “Jim Pat” Berger
Tucker Blair
Fred Boas
Doug Bosch
Karen Bridges
Roy Brock
Susan Smith Buddeke
Patricia Burt
Richard Butler
Larry D. Byars


Thomas P. “Pat” Cagle*
Robert Cain
Charles B. “Chuck” Caldwell
Roxie Campbell
Beth Cardono
Mike Chambers
Moreland Chapman
James Bert Charles
Joe Chastang
Gene Clark
Ernie Boyd Collins
Tom R. Conner
John M. Cotterell
J. Craig Cowgill
Terry “TC” Crawford


Bob Davis
Chuck Davis
Gary “Doc” DeBakey
Gary Deitcher
Carl Detering
Frank J. DiMaria
Ben L. Dodson


David G. Eller
Melba Eveler


Al Farrack
Jim “JP” Ferris
Richard “Dick” Fuqua


Lynn Garner
George S. Gayle
Gary Glover
D. Stuart Godwin
James M. “Mike” Golden
Wayne Greenwalt
Sidney Grisham
Bob Gulledge
John B. Gunn
John W. Gunn


Kevin Harris
Corrine C. Heiligbrodt
Mike Heim
Thomas M. “Tom” Henderson
Al Herring
Gary Hettenbach
D. Scott Hinsley
F. Barron Hobbs
Wes Hocker
Buddy Hood
Chester Howard
Janice Hutchison


“Steve” E. Jackson
Kenneth A. “Ken” Jacobson
Liz Peckham Jameson
Barbara Johnson
Cecil Johnson
David Johnson
Diane Johnson
Howell B. Jones


Robert Kirkgard
“Doug” Knutzen
Michael J. “Mike” Koch
Jeanny Koop


William L. “Bill” Lawler
Philip Leggett MD
Lawrence S Levy
Bob Livermore
Ron Logan


Tom Mach
Sam Mainord
Danny Marburger
Ross Margraves Jr.
Neill T. Masterson III
Barry Mayfield
D. Wayne McDonnell
Wayne McLemore
Glenda “Cookie” Michael
Frank Miller
Robert D. “Bob” Miller
Dot Mitchell
Jack Morris
James “Jim” Motley
Bubba Murphy


Robert Norwood


David E. Pagel
Robert Paine
James Parish
Clay Parker
Gary M. Pearce
Richard A. “Rick” Peebles
Trisha Hilman Phillip
Rockey C. Piazza
Garry L. Plotkin
Eric Potts
Ozell Price
Alex E. Prince
Gary Pugh


Stephen J. “Steve” Radliffe
Russell J. Raia
Lon Randazzo
W.F. “Butch” Robichaux
John M. “Mike” Rose
Mac Ruffeno


William C. “Bill” Sartwelle
Tom Sawyer, D.V.M.
Nano Scherrieb
James A. Schilling
Thomas J. “Jim” Schwartz
Dick Scott
William L. “Bill” Scott
James H. “Jim” Short
Winn Skidmore
John Smelley
Pat Smith
Barry Smotherman
R.D. “Duke” Snyder
Jerrol Springer
Bill W. Stallings
Hugh Sutton
John W. Sylvester


Cheryl Thompson-Draper
Alan Tinsley
D. Wayne Turner
H. Mike Tyson


John Van De Wiele
Joe Vara
Andrew J. Vavra
Mary Ellen Verbois
Roy Vernon
Dennis A. Vickery


John Porter Wade
Tim Wald
Terry Walker
Richard “Dick” Wallrath
Harold D. Ward
Kenneth “Ken” Wax
Sam Wiggins
Rodney E. “Rod” Windham
Betty Wiseman
Mary Beth Woehler
Mike Wollam
Reed Wood
Lonnie Wooten